Tuesday 6 October 2009

Album Cover Research.

06th October 2009 - Album Cover Research

We have just been researching album covers and have come across some of Kate Walsh's own album covers, which is a great help seeing as she is the artist of our track. We have also researched some of Adele, Norah Jones and Lisa Hannigan's album covers because they are similar artists to Kate Walsh and make the same genre of music. Because our track is very slow, mellow and relaxed we don't think it would be appropriate to have a big, colourful, extravagant album or single cover. We think we would have to keep our cover as simple and neutral as possible. Possibly quite a close-up photograph of our artist alone, looking very natural and neutral.

06th October 2009

Yesterday during class Abbie and myself were discussing who to cast for our music video. During the research we found someone perfect for our video but unfortunately the girl who we wanted to use has now got braces which could not work because of mise-en-scene. We went through a whole list of possible people to cast yesterday during lesson but have not come to a conclusion as of yet. I am now researching album covers and looking at ideas and influences for our artists album cover.